Permanent Appointments
The efficiency of your unit depends on good health, good nutrition, good genetics and most of all – great staff.
With almost thirty years of experience within the Pig Industry, we have been matching the right people to the right job since 1990.
We know that recruiting the right person for a vacancy can be time-consuming and expensive so let Roadhogs help!
We have access to highly experienced stockpersons as well as entry-level agricultural graduates.
Our policy is clear - No Appointment – NO Fee. We only charge for our service if you take on a candidate that we have introduced. If you recruit independently – there is no charge for our work.
In addition to headhunting and specific advertising, we hold an extensive database of active candidates looking for work plus an extensive mailing list of potential applicants that also can be targeted. We do offer a refund service if it should not go as planned.
As the only recruitment agency in the UK to specialise in the pig industry, let us take the hassle out of the recruitment process and help you find the perfect people!
Get in touch with Roadhogs today!