Permanent Appointments’ FAQs
For our permanent service we only charge you a fee if we find you a suitable candidate that you appoint as a member of staff. Our policy is - no appointment – NO FEE!
If you recruit independently – there is no charge for our work.
The fee itself will depend on the position you are looking to fill, please contact us to discuss.
What makes your farm and the vacancy stand out from any the other? Tell us about your history and any unique attributes.
We will also need to know:
- Your trading address and if different the pig unit address.
- Job Description – what duties are expected, is there any specific farm machinery that will need operating, feeding systems and tractors/telehandlers etc.
- Tell us more about the set-up of the pigs – how are they kept/fed?
- Tell us about your company.
- Give us an idea of working hours.
- Is there any accommodation offered with the position? If yes, please describe what is and its location. Also, will you make any charges for the property?
- Salary indication.
Once we have your confirmation that you would like to proceed, we will write your advert for you.
Your job will then go live on our website, and we will send your vacancy to our bank of candidates on our database and mailing lists, we will also advertise and promote on social media and the press.
Rest assured that all this will be done confidentially and we will not divulge your details.
Take look at our Candidates page and let us know the reference number(s) of your selected applicant(s), and we will forward further details.
Candidates page features only a selection of our people. Not every candidate can be featured on our website but we have access to many more qualified people.
Once you have selected the applicant(s) to take further, we will then let them know your contact details and address.
We will not publish your full address anywhere online and only will refer to the region you are in. We will not reveal any other information.
We 100% suggest that you check all references.
We will issue you with an invoice when your new employee starts, which you can pay by BACS OR cheque.
No. We only charge you one fee if we find you a suitable candidate that you appoint as a member of staff.
If an appointment is terminated for any reason within twelve weeks of commencement, Roadhogs will refund 6.25% of the fee paid, for each whole week not worked within the sixteen-week period.