CV Hints & Tips
For over 3o years, we have been helping pig stock men and women to secure jobs on pig farms across the UK and beyond.
One thing that we have learned is that your CV can make the difference between getting an interview and being added to reject pile.
Here are our tips for writing a precise and informative CV that will stand out and get you noticed.
Where to Start with your CV?
If you don’t have a CV or haven’t written one in a while, our website has an Application Form that you can fill in, creating a CV for you which we can send to our clients.
However, employers often do want to see a CV too.
Here’s what you need to do!
- ALWAYS write an introductory paragraph about yourself, your work experience and why you would be right for a particular job or industry
- Include ALL relevant work experience and avoid employment gaps – an employer would rather see a career change than speculate on breaks in employment
- Start with the most recent jobs and bullet-point duties/tasks/responsibilities
- Be comprehensive, but DO NOT go on – a tidy and to the point CV will stand out
Make Your CV Easy to Read!
PLEASE make sure that you CV is easy to read.
It should be clear, to the point and highlight your experience. An employer will want to see a tidy CV that isn’t overcrowded and too wordy.
Tip: Big paragraphs of text make it hard for the reader to find the most important bits. Use bullet points to break up text and use short sentences!
Details are KEY!
To make your CV stand out, tell us as much as possible about your work experience. We want to know more than just ‘pig stockperson’.
- Always start with your full name, home address, email and phone number, you do not need to specify your date of birth, and no one can ask you!
- Tell us where you’ve worked, dates, duties, size of unit, team etc.
- Tell us what skills you have learned – what machinery can you operate/drive, do you hold any licences, are you computer and farming software literate, can you administer medicine or do you have experience in a particular department?
- Include a bullet-point list of Key Skills – i.e. tractor driving, Microsoft Office, First Aid, collecting etc.
- If you have other farming/agriculture skills or experience please list them, a gun licence or experience in landscaping or welding could be useful!
- Education/Training/Qualifications – Include these in bullet-points. Include dates, school/college
Don’t Have Pig Industry Experience?
Don’t worry if you don’t have pig industry experience, if you have passion and willingness to learn, then we can help!
Make sure your CV conveys your keenness to join the pig industry. Tell us about any work experience in farming and agriculture and what qualifications or certificates you may hold. We will also ask WHY you want to work with pig, so be prepared!
Remember: We are always looking for new talent so don’t let your lack of practical pig experience put you off applying. Whether you have just finished school or college, or are looking for a career change, we want to hear from you.
And finally…
Double Check your CV
Always DOUBLE CHECK your CV for spelling, grammar and errors. A mistake-free CV shows professionalism and that you care about how you come across.
A Fresh Pair of Eyes!
We always recommend that you ask some else to read through a check your CV. Even if you’re confident that you’ve got it right, a fresh pair of eyes can spot a tiny mistake!