CV Advice to Career & Industry Changers Looking to Enter the Pig Industry

Are you considering making a career change? Are you interested in learning about commercial pig farming? Or are you already working in agriculture but want to move into pigs?
Read on!
Your CV is hugely important when looking to change agricultural industries or if you are looking at making a total career change.
You may already work in agriculture or be coming from other sectors such as ex-forces, ex-social care, or factory work. Roadhogs Recruitment can help you get into the Pig Industry! We’re your gateway to the pig farmer and can present your CV directly to them.
We’ve been doing it for over 30 years!
Your CV, however, needs to tell us why you want to work in pig farming, why you are looking to make that move and what you can offer to the pig industry.
Key points when writing your CV
Make your CV relevant to the job you are applying for
If you see a job that you want to apply for, make your application relevant. If you are applying for a pig stockperson position, don’t highlight the fact that you want to follow a career in sales!!
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Why this particular job? Is it its locality? Why does the work appeal to you?
2. Have you got the relevant experience? If not, what you can offer? Are you a quick learner? Do you like physical work? What skills do you have?

Your contact details must be current
It may sound obvious, but you’ll be surprised by the amount of CVs we’ve received with old telephone numbers or incorrect email addresses. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, but please check!!
Be descriptive, passionate and honest
The info you send us is databased by us. The less you tell us, the less we can present to the farm owners and managers. Remember that you are making a first impression. You don’t have to be word-smart, send bullet points, and we’ll do the rest.
Describe your passions, interests in farming, and in particular, pigs. Outline any relevant work experience, but be honest.
We can help structure your CV and make you come across well; we’ve been working with pig producers for over 30 years, so we know what they want to see.

Tips for Industry Changers – those in agriculture who want to move into pigs
- Be thorough in your CV – List the daily duties, list the systems you have worked with & list the machinery you have operated
- Why are you looking to change and work with pigs?
- What are your salary expectations?
- Detail your livestock, arable or farming machinery skills
Tips for Career Changers – those not in agriculture
- Why do you want to work with pigs?
- What has made you look at that Pig Stockperson job advert, and make you want to apply?
- What skills in your career are transferable?
- What personal attributes do you have that would suit working with pigs?

MUST-READ – A few truths about the Pig Industry
- Working in pig farming is hard work! It really is.
- Working on a commercial pig unit is not for the faint-hearted, and you have to fully appreciate why the pigs are there and the end result.
- You would need to be comfortable with injecting, dealing with birthing and the animal’s temperament. There are certain smells and noises which you may not be prepared for.
- Pig farming is done in two ways, on indoor and outdoor units. So, the pigs may be in indoor pens where they are easier to manage or on outdoor free-range units, where they roam and have more freedom.
- Any farming work is manual work, so you need to be physically fit, and if you are working outdoors, you will be working in all weather conditions.
- There can be early starts to deal with as some units may need to start at 5 am or earlier on certain days.
- You must appreciate that you are dealing with an animal that can weigh up to a quarter of a ton; you may get knocked about a bit.
- Hard decisions have to be made sometimes. If all other avenues have been covered, you may need to euthanise.
- This job can be very rewarding, the satisfaction of the care and welfare of the pigs and ensuring their best possible journey from farm to fork.
- The industry is very results-driven, which can motivate and drive people, giving a lot of satisfaction, and hopefully, performance-related bonuses.
- The salaries offer can range from entry-level £18k+ and management salaries can exceed £35k+
- Housing is often offered as part of the job, not always, but factor that in when considering a new job.